Rio Rancho is an outstanding city full of tremendous people. These attributes have been on display time and time again over the last few weeks as we have come together and mourned the loss of one of our own, Police Officer Gregg “Nigel” Benner. Whether it was...
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Gov. praises lawmakers on capital outlay
Gov. Susana Martinez personally thanked local legislators on Tuesday morning for their work in helping pass a capital outlay package in last week’s special session. Martinez met with Mayor Gregg Hull, Sens. Craig Brandt and Reps. Jason Harper, Tim Lewis and Paul...
Rio Rancho center will add 250 jobs
An international contract customer center in Rio Rancho announced Tuesday plans to add 250 jobs in the next few months. Convergys, located on Zenith Court near Alliance Data Services, made the announcement at a news conference. Among those attending were Gov. Susana...
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