by Gregg | Feb 28, 2016 | Media, RRObserver
Since the start of 2016, much has transpired that impacts the community. Earlier this month, it was confirmed in the near future the city will receive $2.1 million from the federal government, and this money will be applied toward Rio Rancho’s water/wastewater...
by Gregg | Jan 10, 2016 | Media, RRObserver
First and foremost, I hope all Rio Ranchoans had a joyous holiday season. I especially want to recognize all the residents and businesses for their tremendous display of blue holiday décor to honor and recognize our law enforcement personnel. Before I make mention of...
by Gregg | Jan 9, 2016 | Media, RRObserver
Fixing the city’s infrastructure is a large task and needs to start this year, Mayor Gregg Hull said Thursday. Hull, guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the NAIOP Rio Rancho Roundtable at Presbyterian Rust Medical Center, gave a presentation about the city’s past...
by Gregg | Dec 18, 2015 | Media, RRObserver
Rio Rancho Mayor Gregg Hull had an army of Jedis with him at the Dec. 17 midnight screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Eleven of them to be exact – 10 young Jedis and a Jedi Master – all chosen from a Movie with the Mayor contest Hull organized...
by Gregg | Dec 8, 2015 | Media, RRObserver
Burned out on turkey? Eat more chicken. At least that’s what Mayor Gregg Hull and Deputy Mayor Lonnie Clayton hope to help others do as they camp out in the new Chick-fil-A parking lot looking to be two of the first 100 customers. Kicking off at 6 a.m. today and...
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