As a result of the City of Rio Rancho’s credit quality, strong revenue performance, and debt service coverage levels, Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the rating on the City of Rio Rancho’s senior lien Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) revenue bonds ($5.9 million) from...
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Moody’s Upgrades City of Rio Rancho Bond Rating
New York, April 22, 2022 -- Moody's Investor Service has upgraded the City of Rio Rancho, New Mexico's general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) rating to Aa2 from Aa3. Concurrently, Moody's has assigned an Aa2 rating to the city's $15.3 million General Obligation...
Incumbent wins 3rd term as Rio Rancho mayor by a landslide
Incumbents held their seats, and voters approved all bonds and the permanent fund in Tuesday’s Rio Rancho municipal election, according to unofficial results. One race, the three-way contest for the District 3 City Council seat, will go to a runoff between the top two...
Sky Room wins architecture award
The Sky Room amphitheater in Campus Park was recognized by the American Institute of Architects Awards Program’s Albuquerque Chapter on Dec. 3 for its distinctive architecture and received the Honor Award, the highest level of award, for architectural achievement and...
RR public-private partnership earns NAIOP recognition
It’s a year of pluses and minuses for NAIOP New Mexico. On the plus side, the commercial real estate development association’s 2021 NAIOP Annual Awards of Excellence was held indoors Dec. 10 after a year dominated by Zoom meetings sparked by the pandemic. Top winners...
Stripes Burrito Co. opens Rio Rancho location
Keeping Rio Rancho’s growth over the last two decades in mind, Stripes Burrito Co. owner Gary Hines was eager to expand operations to the City of Vision. His establishment officially arrived here, celebrating the occasion with Thursday’s grand opening.
City OKs pharmacy site plan, commercial use of land on Northern
Rio Rancho Governing Body members approved a site plan for a compounding pharmacy and made land near the intersection of Northern and Unser boulevards open for retail use during their meeting Thursday evening at City Hall. They approved the site plan and land-use...
New UNM orthopedic center launches in RR
The UNM Center of Excellence for Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation is ready to not only provide medical care, but also ensure medical students and practitioners are well-rounded in those fields. The 50,000-square-foot teaching hospital, which launched operations...
A Thanksgiving Day tradition: Pantry, McDonald’s partner to provide free food
Despite the ongoing pandemic, St. Felix Pantry and the Garza family McDonald’s kept their tradition of offering free meals on Thanksgiving Day going strong after 3½ decades. St. Felix Vice President of Development Rachael Miletkov said organizers served a little more...
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